This Corporate Field of Dreams

From:   XXXX
Sent:   Thursday, February 08, 2007 5:28 PM 
To:     All 
Subject:        My Depature

I Didn't Think It Would Be This Hard To Write And Compose a Depature Letter,But Upon Writing this I Kinda Took Out The Time To Really Realize That Truly And Deeply I Will Sincerely Miss This Place And Most Importantly The People Who Have Made Or Better Yet Shall I Say Dug & Found Their Way Into This Complicated Thing Called "My Heart"...I Thought Writing This Would Be A Piece Of Cake,Like Its Okay...."A New Chapter In Your Life Will Open XXXX "....But So Many Friends And Oppurnities Presented Itself And I Can Honestly Say Working Here For 4 Years Made Me Into A Better Man,A Better Thinker,And A Overall Better Individual.....There Is So Many People To Thank,Off Bat I Want To Thank XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX & XXXX For Presenting Me The Oppurnity To Get My Experience In This Corporate Field,I Will Forever Be Grateful.....To All My Co Workers And Everybody Whom I've Had A Impact On,I Will Truly Miss You Guy's And Gals...Take Care Of Yourselves Will Promise YOU ALL...I Will Not Forget You.......Peace & LUV....XXXX Lol

Oooohhh And I Love You All On 25,I Will Never Forget What You've Guys Done For Me!!!! (XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,...Let me Catch My Breath..Er'body :)

For Extended Info On My Well Being My Personal Email Address is XXXX...Thank U

The "+":
  • This email was actually a Mariah Carey song title from the 1990s.
  • "To: All"

The "-":
  • Now I Know How Rose Felt When Jack Let Go.


Caleb said...

Well there went MY boner.

Mariah Carey song- good one!

Robert said...

What's With Starting Every Word With a Cap?

Anonymous said...

The note Courtney Love left her sanity...

Anonymous said...

Working there may have made him "Into A Better Man,A Better Thinker,And A Overall Better Individual," but it certainly didn't make him into a better writer.

And what's with the use of "Lol," "LUV," "Oooohhh," and "Thank U"? Was this sent by text message? Did he submit it to his 12-year-old daughter for editing?

I know nothing about this guy, but I'm gonna venture to guess that leaving any place that was willing to actually pay him money was probably a mistake.

And I mean that from the bottom of This Complicated Thing Called "My Heart."